Our damp and mould process

“My role is to lead the new damp and mould process. This includes coordinating scheduled works with contractors and completing post-works inspections to ensure that a high level of service is being provided to our residents.

With our in-house team, I carry out stage 2 surveys to identify defects in our residents’ homes. From the surveys I conduct, I can then determine what upgrades are required in relation to insulation performance, ventilation, and humidity levels.

I will also look at any building defects that may be causing damp problems for the residents.

I will ensure that all issues we find are reported back to the residents and that a work schedule is agreed upon to remedy any issues we have discovered.

Within my role, I face a few challenges, including ensuring that residents are heating their homes adequately and keeping their homes ventilated.

We know the cost of living has increased, meaning energy bills and other day-to-day costs have increased. We have information on here. Or you can call our Financial Inclusion team on 0300 3300 900, choosing options 2,1 and 3. We have access to a support fund, and we also work with other agencies that may be able to help, so please get in touch.

I want to ensure that I meet our residents’ expectations and resolve their issues. The most rewarding part of my job role is talking with residents who are grateful for the advice they receive and visiting homes where we have successfully resolved a problem that was causing them upset and distress.”

Here are Dave’s top tips for reducing condensation in your home:

  • Where possible, ensure good ventilation and heating throughout the home to maintain 18 degrees Celsius.
  • Open windows for a minimum of 10 minutes first thing in the morning, especially bedroom windows.
  • Don’t fit blinds too close to the glazing, as this creates a cold spot and adds to condensation on the windows.
  • If possible, ensure your radiators are on, including in rooms you aren’t using. This will prevent water droplets from forming and generating mould growth.
  • Loft spaces should be left clear of items, especially near the insulation. Compressing this material will mean it won’t work as well.
  • Keep furniture and other items away from walls to allow good airflow.
  • Keep extraction fans on at the isolation switch and open window trickle vents; you can adjust these when needed.
  • Hygrometers, which you can get for under £10 from Amazon, are helpful tools that measure humidity levels within your home. You are aiming for between 40%-60% humidity, and the higher
    the level, the more likely mould will be able to grow. Try to aim for 50% relative humidity.

If you’ve noticed mould or damp in your home, please contact our Repairs team as soon as possible, by calling 0300 3300 900 and dialling extension number 7800 when prompted.

If this is the first time you’ve reported this, one of our technicians will visit your home to carry out a mould wash within ten working days. They’ll also see if they can spot anything causing the problem and carry out any required repairs. Depending on the severity of the issue, we may instruct our cleaning contractor to come to your home to carry out the mould wash. If this is the case, we will advise when we visit you.

We’ll then contact you after six weeks to see if this has helped or if we need to take further action.

If, after this time, the problem has not been resolved, a surveyor will visit you to complete a survey of your home to see what could be causing the issue. We will identify and arrange the work required and share this with you, including timescales for completion.

Once these have been completed, we’ll check back with you again in six months to ensure the problem hasn’t returned.

You can find further information about our damp and mould process here.

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