Havebury in bloom 2024 winners!

Seeing so many amazing entries and meeting some of the residents behind the creations was great. The judges, Amy St Ledger (assistant director of customer and housing services), Demi Flowers (customer experience administrator), Donna Loades (grounds maintenance scheduler), and Lorna Housley from Dobbies Garden Centre, scored our residents on things like best use of space, diversity of planting, how well maintained the area was, how healthy the plants were, and their overall impression.

Here are our winners

Best Garden – Nicholas Ellis

The judges were very impressed with Nicholas’s design and care in his garden. He used an incredible array of very healthy plants. His attention to detail around his borders and use of hanging baskets were real standout points for the judges. Nicholas scored 358 out of a possible 400.

Nicholas said: “I am really pleased to have won. I won Bury in Bloom when I lived in Bury St Edmunds. Winning Havebury in Bloom is just great. It makes all my hard work worthwhile”.

Best communal garden – Maple House

The judges were impressed with the variety of plants used in the area, which gave passers-by a pop of colour. All the plants used in the area were healthy and well-maintained; no weeds or leaves were around. The key standout of this communal garden area was the apparent effort from the residents involved in keeping and maintaining this space. Maple House scored 350 out of a possible 400.

Best Balcony – Deborah Walladge

The judges were blown away by Deborah’s ability to use this small area to her advantage and create quite literally a plant haven. Her use of colour and the plants’ wide variety and healthiness made this balcony stand out. Deborah also used a lovely mix of planters, ornaments, and mirrors, which added to the feel of this outdoor space. Deborah scored 367 out of a possible 400.

Best grow your garden – Thingoe Lodge

The judges were very impressed with the number of things growing in this incredible space. They noted how they liked using the greenhouse to keep the tomatoes flourishing and how the vegetable planters were spaced out with such a variety of available vegetables. A standout point for the judges was how involved the residents were in their garden and that the produce grown was used for the community to enjoy Sunday lunches. They scored 323 out of a possible 400.

“We are really pleased that we won; a lot of hard work goes on behind the scenes, and we love being able to grow our own food for Sunday lunches. Everyone gets involved.”

We will be looking to bring back Havebury in Bloom next year, so keep your eyes peeled on our website and social media channels for more information. Thank you again to everyone who got involved this year. It was really great to be in our communities celebrating all the hard work our residents do to keep their outside spaces looking amazing!

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