Our goal through our events is to create neighbourhoods that are more inclusive, sustainable, and empowered to talk to us about their issues, so that we can bring change to all our residents.
By the end of this year, we will have completed 20 resident engagement events including drop–in sessions, Resident Voice Panels and community days, as well as attending external events held in our community. We will have also completed 22 estate inspections which you can read about on pages 24 – 25. Between April and September of this year, we also asked you to take part in voting on five community investment grant applications via The Place and invited you to get involved with our anti-social behaviour consultation and sustainability survey.
Here is some of the feedback from our residents who attended some of our events:
- “At the last event, I raised issues with trees, and it was actioned straight away, and I am very grateful for this.”
- “I am very happy an evening event was put on, so I was able to attend.”
- “It was great to be able to discuss issues face to face.”
- “It is so great to be able to talk with different teams, saves my time having to ring up and try and find the best person to speak to!”
- “Thank you for putting on this event; the children enjoyed growing and looking after their sunflowers and we hope it comes back next year!”
- “It is so lovely to be able to put faces to names!”
- “It is great to see a housing association putting on free activities for the children over the summer holidays.”
What are our plans for next year?
Next year, we are looking at bringing you much of the same as this year, however we really want to understand how you want to be involved with us.
We’ve made lots of changes over the last few years, including listening to your views through surveys, complaints, feedback, and increasing the number of events we do in your communities.
To make sure we focus on what really matters to you moving forward, we are asking you to complete our engagement survey which you can find at the end of this article.
The aim of this survey is to find out how you want to get involved providing feedback on our services and what more we need to do to make sure your voices are heard.
We are also using the opportunity to ask you about ways we can improve our community investment grant, which you can find out more about on our website.
If you complete the survey, you will be in with a chance to win a £250 supermarket voucher of your choice, just in time for Christmas. We will review all the feedback and share our new plans in spring 2025.
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Engaging with your community
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