Meet our resident, Helen

Originally from London, Helen has lovely memories of living in a block of flats that overlooked the Tower of London.
As life moved on, so did Helen. She married and welcomed six children into the world. She has lived in her current home for over 13 years.

“I’ve always been independent. I don’t like having to rely on anyone, if I can help it. Of course, there are times when I do need a bit of help, but I try to manage most things on my own. My son and daughter-in-law are wonderful, they help me with shopping and appointments when I need it. But I try not to bother them too much and do most of it myself.”

Helen’s son is her carer, but he lives a 20-minute drive away from Helen’s home and she worries about him, just as all parents do.

“I do worry about him and everything he does for me. I’ve had my life, and it’s his turn now.”

Although she can’t leave the house much on her own, she goes out to do the food shop with her son and gets her daily exercise by walking out to do the bins. She has a great relationship with her neighbour, who is two doors down, and they speak on the phone twice a day to catch up and find out what mischief the other has been up to.

A true London girl at heart, Helen isn’t afraid to mince her words, especially when it comes to making sure things are done correctly: “I will tell anyone straight.”

Helen keeps herself busy at home by drawing and painting. Some lovely designs that she has made herself are displayed in her living room. She also enjoys doing crosswords and reading.

She has a cabinet full of beautiful ornaments and joked that she needs a three-bedroom house just for her collection.

“I have been brought up to look after things; everything I have got I have looked after, which is why I have so many ornaments.”

She also has Billy, a bird, to keep her company. She was a present from her son, as she really wanted a pet. “She keeps me
company, but god, she’s messy!”

Helen recently had her bath removed and a new shower installed to make things a little easier for her.

“I finally have a shower I can use. That’s made a huge difference. Before, it was a struggle getting in and out of the bath. But now, I feel much more comfortable and safer. I’m really pleased with it.”

Speaking about how else Havebury has helped she added, “I can’t fault the chap who cuts the grass out the front. Sometimes, he comes two or three times a month. He’s great.”

Helen is able to cook for herself, complete her self-care tasks, and keep her home tidy, and she wants to continue this for as long as possible.

“I don’t want to be a burden to anyone, but I know I can’t do everything like I used to. My son always tells me not to worry and that they’re happy to help. I do appreciate it, but I still like to do things my way as much as I can. It’s important to keep going,
isn’t it?”

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